Crawley lawyers, stevensdrake will once again be helping to raise money for charity after agreeing to take part in the annual St Catherine’s Hospice ‘Make a Will Fortnight’ from May 11th to May 22nd.
The two week period will see solicitors from across Sussex offer to write standard Wills for people free of charge, in return for a donation to St Catherine's Hospice.
Sue Tipper of Crawley based solicitors, stevensdrake, was "astounded" by the response last year during which the firm raised circa £3,300, commenting, Sue said: "This is a great opportunity for us to raise the awareness of the importance of making a Will, whilst at the same time raising money for a fantastic local charity."
stevensdrake, along with the other solicitors, will give up a number of places, on a first come, first served basis. Sue added: "The importance of making a Will cannot be overstated. With the economy as it is, it's all too easy to be thinking day-to-day, but when you've seen first hand the complications that can be caused when people haven't made provisions, you see very clearly why people need to think ahead. This was a brilliant initiative by the team at St Catherine's Hospice and the level of response from the public last year demonstrated that people are concerned, they just need to turn that concern into action."